A: Armadillo (Gruppeopgave)

Ansvarlige lærere: KL/SN

En påmindelse fra sidste uge

På Viggo under mappen “Verden i forandring” og undermappen “Armadillo” skal I åbne filen “1. Gruppeopgave til Armadillo”

Der er en masse bilag, men følg vejledningen i filen “1. Gruppeopgaven” og arbejd jer stille og roligt igennem dem. I MÅ IKKE UDDELEGERE OPGAVERNE MELLEM JER.

Deadline: Onsdag d. 6 juni kl. 22.00 (Uge 23)- Opgaven skal sendes til KL og SN – Husk at skrive gruppenummer i mailen!

C: Mennesker og Samfund (Barken + Grenen) Orientering – Individuel opgave

Ansvarlig lærer: SN

I orienteringstimerne på torsdag skal vi arbejde med “Konflikten i Mellemøsten”

Til timerne skal I have læst Bilag 1:

Oprettelsen af staten Israel – siderne 466-473 – Bilag 1

Du skal have skrevet noter til de forskellige afsnit. Gør det i stikords-form.

Deadline: Onsdag kl. 22.00

F: Håndværk og Teknik, Annebergs Limtræ

Ansvarlig lærer: KLI / SE

Under din fane kompetencetimer/Håndværk og Teknik opretter du en side med overskriften Annebergs Limtræ.

Her beskriver du virksomheden, hvad laver de, hvor mange er ansat, osv.

Beskriv med dine egne ord hvad du syntes var interessant ved virksomheden og om du kunne tænke dig at arbejde sådan et sted.

Husk: Brug billeder til at gøre din side spænende.

Du skal skrive mindst 250 ord.

Send et link til KLI.

Deadline: Tirsdag kl. 20:00

G: Terror Part 1 (Group Assignment) ALLE

Responsible teachers: MM/SM

  • Read the text “Types of Terrorism” together as a group and write down, in your own words, a definition of each type of terrorism. (Everyone will need the answers for class on Wednesday)

Terror week assignment part 1

  • Look at the pictures on page 2. Discuss and decide as a group weather each picture represents “state terrorism”, “religious terrorism” OR “political terrorism”. Write your answers down and explain why you chose that one. Be prepared to share your answers in class on Wednesday.Deadline: Wednesday 8:00 am

H: Terror part 2 (Group Assignment) ALLE

Responsible teachers: MM/SM

As we will talk about in class in week 24,  9/11 was a turning point in modern terrorism.  This assignment has a focus on speaking English and having everyone involved!  Just do your best!

  1. Read the following article to get an account of what happened on 9/11


2. Choose 4 roles you want to work with.

3. Your task is to make a video interview of the 4 roles you chose.  Each person will take a turn asking the questions and each person will take a turn being interviewed.  The final video must connect these 4 interviews. Each interview should be about 30 seconds – 1 minute  and a total of 3 minutes for each video!

ROLES TO CHOOSE FROM  (WTC = World Trade Center)

  1. NYC firefighter
  2. Secretary working on the 82nd floor of the South Tower
  3. Waiter in the restaurant Windows of the World
  4. Passenger on Flight 11, 77, 175, or 93
  5. Pilot, stewardess or steward on Flight 11, 77, 175, or 93
  6. Student at a school near the WTC
  7. Son or daughter of an employee of the WTC
  8. The President of the USA
  9. Eyewitness on the streets of Manhattan or outside the Pentagon
  10. Pentagon employee
  11. Cantor Fitzgerald employee

4. Tips for good interviews

  • Make questions that can’t be answered just “yes” or “no”
  • When answering questions, give as many details as you can.
  • As the one interviewing, listen closely and ask follow up questions to the answers you have heard.
  • Ask questions that give personal information – not just foacts that can be found on the internet
  • In this task it is okay to add information that you make up (opdigte)

Deadline: Friday at 8.00am .   SEND TO MM – with studygroup number  (if your video is too big to send, then have it on a USB and come to me at 9:45 in the lunch room Friday so I can get it there) MM

J: Magtanvendelse – MS (Barken og Grenen) – Individuel

Ansvarlig lærer: JA

Du skal til timerne på torsdag forberede følgende:

Læs teksten ”Hvordan undgå magtanvendelse?” Derefter skal du skriftligt besvare nedenstående spørgsmål:

Find via Internettet ud af, hvad magtanvendelse er, hvornår man må bruge det og hvad man skal gøre, hvis man anvender magt?

Svar derefter på følgende spørgsmål via teksten:

Hvad kan man gøre for at undgå at anvende magt?

Læs den sidste sætning igen – hvad ligger der i den sætning?

Hvordan kan man undgå magtanvendelse

Deadline: Onsdag kl. 22



K: Abuse and Addiction (Group Assignment) ALLE

Responsible teachers: MM/IØ

  1.    Look at this website https://teens.drugabuse.gov/drug-facts
  2.    Choose one of the following drugs
    1.    alcohol
    2.    anabolic steroids
    3.    cocaine
    4.    heroin
    5.    inhalants
    6.  marijuana
    7.   meth
    8.    ecstasy (MDMA)
  3.    Read about it.
  4.    Make a Prezi presentation about the drug you have chosen. Prezi.com. Use your google account as login. You must include the following in your presentation:
    1.    What it does to your brain and body
    2.    The risks involved in abusing it.
    3.    How many teens use it?
    4.    Try to use your own words and language.
    5.    Add pictures and make it interesting 
  5.    Send your prezi by sending the link to your Prezi on Viggo. WRITE YOUR STUDIEGROUP NUMBER IN THE MESSAGE
    1.    Classes from “Bladet” and “Koglen” => send to Mary
    2.    Classes from “Grenen” and “Barken” => send to Inge

Deadline:  Thursday at 22.00